Irgendwo in Thuringen II v2.0.0.0 Map
Kastor, LS19, D-S agricultural service, new map and no end in sight?
You know your way around the “Somewhere in Thuringia” for the LS17, you are familiar with every corner and every field, you think there is nothing left. Then hold on to your caps and strap your boots to your feet.
Reloaded, warmed up, expanded … does not get us in the bag. Brand new, real reconstructed and presented with great attention to detail of the D-S-AS the … bla bla we already had … now, exclusively, even more recent, even better the …
Somewhere (real) in Thuringia Part 2
V1.0 Update Version, not something else but!
!!! 4-fold style !!!
Neither costs nor troubles, neither sleepless nights nor annoying family members we shied away, used up even more beer and fast food, in order to enable you exclusively, the much beloved and often played Thuringia 2, in even better and more error-free version.
The elevation model, the fields, forests and roads are based on the available Google Earth data of the region created in the update again and in addition to the existing
• 121 purchasable plots (for the old and those who still want it)
• 60 fields of all shapes and sizes (for small and large and all workaholics)
• 40 forests (for all wood worms, tree-crawlers, chain saws and Ponnser)
• 16 meadows (not only for vegetarians and flower children, also for green lovers)
• 5 outlets (on which the wealth grows and the fleet increases)
• 3 lakes for water abstraction (water nixies have been spotted, but are bitchy)
• 1 purchase points for fertilizer, seeds and lime (more income, more money)
New in V2.0.0.0 * (no no radar support)
• Season Ready (snow mask including white roofs and frozen waters)
• GlobalCompany Script Introduction (lime, fertilizer, seed storage based on the GCS)
• Two branches of production as introduction and test. (Orchard and nursery)
• Reshaped yards, now with wildlife facilities and custom BGAs
• Added field missions (yes sometimes we hear comm wishes: P)
* all changes can be found in changelog.xml
The whole thing is garnished by 3 small villages and an AI traffic, which does not stop you, but also does not tolerate any hassle! We all have no time