Deep Belgium modification of Frabel
pedestrian splines edition
removing road blocks
farm buying area (water, seed, fertilizer, herbicide)
Buying area jardibio (lime, seed, fertilizer, herbicide)
garage on the farm
animation curtain, door and lights in the pens
added animated barrier
added light
sawmill animation
add sound in the areas (station, church, waterfall, sawmill, cattle, biogas, siks companion)
resizing some buildings
Widening of the road
surprise (blue switch)
add animated doors firm entry
modification of the panels
modification of store signs
water in the pool
suppression of strains
this is my first card modification, thank you for your indulgence
blank error log
Envoyer des commentaires
Hello, nice work, but a little disappointed not to feel on another map that Belgium deep, I was expecting the farm looks like the presentation picture with old wooden barns as c is the case of old Alsatian or Vosgian farms (where I come from) and not sheet metal buildings, and also that the farm is far from the village “lost in the countryside” as said, they are not critics I just give you my opinion and my personal feeling, I’m not a mapper and I do not know anything about mapping, so I do not know what is feasible and what is not, good luck for the future
Ps sorry for my bad English I’m French
Merci pour tes remarques