Audi RS6 Avant 2020 v0.9.0.0 Mod
This is an Audi RS6 Avant 2020 with different designs and blue lights.
Following BL selection:
FB = 6 × front flashers and 2 × rear flashers
TZ Flashbalken = TZ Flashbalken Blau with 4 × front flashers
RTK 7 Orange = Hella RTK 7 / OWS 7 Orange
RTK 7 blue = Hella RTK 7 / OWS 7 blue with 4 × front flashers
Following designs:
1. Choice of colors
2. Nb.simulationsen /
3. Schwatzingen fire department
4. City of Schwatzingen road maintenance department
6. Emergency doctor Schwatzingen
7 inch
8. Police
Why the flash lights are not working or I can’t turn them on? Can you do the mod again without the extra turning lights? Very nice mod… I really appreciate that… Thank you!