Autoload Pack v3.3.0.0 Mod
Algemeine Neuereungen:
– MAN TGX 26.640 XLX (Große Kabine)
– MAN TGX 26.640 XL (Kleine Kabine)
– MAN TGX 18.400 XLX (Große Kabine)
– MAN TGX 18.400 XL (Kleine Kabine)
– Planen aufbau hinzugefügt
– Neue Stirnwand hinzugefügt
– Mehr konfigurierbare Farben (ca. 105 Farben)
– K-LED Rebelution Kennleuchte von Hella zur Konfiguration hinzugefügt (Danke an TschiZack)
– Tandem 2 und 3 Achse wurde die Plattform tiefer gelegt
– Kisten Farbkonfiguration hinzugefügt?
The following tags are included in the pack:
Strautmann SEK 802
Fliegl DPW 180
Fliegl DPW 210
HKL platform
Trailer (new V1.2)
BDF 2 axles (new V1.3)
BDF 3-axle (new V1.3)
TDM 2-axle (new V1.3)
TDM 3-axle (New V1.3)
Autoload charging functions:
Square bales
Round bales
Mission ranges
Egg boxes
Large pallets e.g. Pesticides
Normal pallets e.g. Lime big bag or seedling palette
Boards pallets e.g. Boards pallets from NF Marsch Map or BDM productions
Large boards pallets e.g. Sawmill from Susi 25
Cuboids and round bales from the straw salvage addon (new V1.3)
Various configuration options
IC support (New V1.3)
The following mods are required:
Giants IT Runner Pack requires
If you want to use the IC controller, you need FS19_simpleIC: