CP Kurses und MP Autodrive for Holzer Map v2.0
Change log version 2.0.0
Add Autodrive Nav System for Multiplayer for Holzer Map
If you are then in the MP you have to create the courts accordingly, the best 6 pieces because a total of 6 farmID’s in the xml are available (for the 6 permanently built yards). Then you have to decide which of the farms you want to join. The following applies here:
Courtyard 1 – Boarhof
Courtyard 2 – Schwoagahof
Courtyard 3 – Gundischhof
Courtyard 4 – Graberhof
Courtyard 5 – Oberreiterhof
Courtyard 6 – Unterreiterhof
Other goals:
Sell eggs
Sell wood chips
Field 7 north
Field 13
animal dealers
Vehicles shop