Dezeure Bronto 20 Slurry Tank (with injector) V1.0.0.3
This is a conversion of the dezeure bronto tank originally designed for farming simulator 15.
You can control the filling arm with a mouse or controller.
Several brands
Slurry ton has some options to play in the store. For example, different wheel brands are available.
There are also several alternatives for the finish of the tank, both with respect to colors and brands.
A eys model.
A Kimadan Model.
Injector included
The of slurry tank is delivered with a slurry Injector (a reinforced Samson TD 12). It has a working width of 12 meters and can be matched by color to the different brands and colors of the tank.
There’s just a problem. The programming is a little different. When you use the basic slurry tank with an applicator, you first turn on the tank. Once you have lowered the injector, the suspension starts to sink in the ground, but only at this time.
With The Dezeure Pack, it’s different. When you activate the tank, it begins to spread manure using the splash-Splash, regardless of the position of the injector.
For this to work, do not activate the tank. Simply put the applicator to start putting the liquids in the ground. If this doesn’t work immediately, lift and lift again.