Enhanced Mixer Wagons v1.0.1 – FS22
This script adds an mixing time for all mixer wagons.
– Fix for the following Error: “Error: addDensityMapHeightType: maximum number of height types already registered.”
– Minior script changes
– Fix for the Straw Harvest Addon. The straw bales no longer become straw pellets in the mixer wagon
– New Fillplane texture for unfinished total mixed ration with straw (see pictures)
With this script, each mixer wagon now needs 2 minutes and 10 seconds to mix the total mixed ration, as soon as the mixing ratio is correct.
Of course, it has to be turned on to do this. If the mixing time is running and you fill it during this time, the mixing time will be reset to the beginning.
As long as the mixing ratio is wrong or the mixing time has not run to the end, you have forage in the mixer wagon. You can also feed this, but it less effective than the total mixed ration.
It also the mixer wagon has to be turned on now so that the bales dissolve.
This mod is compatible with the maize plus mod, this has been tested extensively.
If you play with the maize plus mod, the unfinished total mixed ration is accepted as moisture food in the stable feeding trough. If you play without the maize plus mod, it will be accepted as grass.
New for modders:
You can now deactivate the script for your mixer wagon if this is necessary for any reason.
All you have to do is enter the following line in your vehicle.xml:
You have to remove the spaces after
” ”
This sets the required mixing time for this mixer wagon to 0. Of course, you can also adjust there the time, that is needed for mixing. The time must be in seconds!