Farming Simulator 19 Modding – What’s New or Changed?
The new version of Farming Simulator 19 will be launched soon – 20th November. Some specifications and upgrades have been already announced and we are quite excited about them. However we are as well interested in hearing more about the features of FS 19 mod.
Luckily, Farming Simulator 2019 Mod was a very hot topic in FarmCon and some new information has been released. The focus point was two important presentations:
- Lecture about texturing FS 2019 mod
- Workshop including topics such as upcoming features, changes and engine modeling
However, not all information is accessible – it is considered that Giants will produce recordings out of these presentations which will be available to buy.
Anyhow, some of the sneak peeks were published, so we can get at least something from the available screenshots and tidbits. You will find the description below, although keep in mind that it’s not an official information.
Updated Farming Simulator 19 Mods Texture System
The old process of texturizing has been outdated. Giants will introduce new technique – Physically Based Rendering (PBR). The difference can be seen in the image above, which shows Fendt Ideal combine. It is really noticeable that the metallic texture is much clearer in darker spots. It’s thanks to PBR which enables a better quality or at least better looking FS 19 mods graphics.
This is how it works:
- For example you point flashlight to the surface of rubber
- Afterwards you point it some metallic surface
- Obviously, the reflection changes significantly
In general, this is what PBR adds to the game’s visuals. So everyone who is interested in making their own Farming Simulator 2019 Mod, should keep this in mind.
The main advantage that you will get from using PBR is that you won’t need to add additional textures or materials – the model will look great without that and you will increase its performance.
We can have chainsaw as an example. In practice, these kind of saws are produced using metal, plastic and probably rubber. With PBR you will be able to make FS 19 mod using only one set of both material and texture.
Unfortunately, we don’t have any approved news regards to this update, so we need to be patient to learn more about PBR in Giants Engine.
Texturing Globally on Tools and Vehicles in Farming Simulator 19
The summary video from FarmCon 18 created by Virtual Farmer is the main information source to get at least some insights about how the texture system functions.
Here we provide you with individual interpretations (let us know, if you don’ agree or have some suggestions):
- One global database for 8 predefined materials/textures with metallic, plastic and leather materials will be created. A prediction is that these textures will feature albedo, roughness, metalness, and gloss maps as minimum.
- There should be a functionality of selecting the textures in the global database according to the color map. Virtual farmer is predicting that this color map should be placed in location 0-0. Does this means 0|0?
- Then you will be enabled to include pre-defined color specific to the brand in Giants Engine or XML file. According to VF there won’t be any diffusing of the maps anymore.
In case it is a realistic guessing about the upcoming modeling of Farming Simulator 2019 Mod, this is a huge step forward for all of us. We will have less items that need considering.
Model makes are not the only ones to benefit from this upgrade. With this technique created FS mods will be both much lighter on Vram and will have a better more detailed surface. Can’t wait to see the updated polycount recommendations!
It might turn out to be only predictions. But in case it is realistic, creating Farming Simulator 19 Mod will be much more exciting!
Renaming Nodes in Farming Simulator 19?
Everyone who is at least a bit familiar with modeling, must have faced nodes, such as 0>0|0. If it doesn’t say anything to you, we’ll provide a short explanation. These codes can be found in XML and describe parts of model or a map. They are used to instruct game engine about functions or actions such as to lower a mower.
The update is that these numeric nodes seem to be renamed. From FarmCon screenshots we can see that now nodes are named “gasPedal” and similar. No more 0>0|1 anymore.
Again this is guessing and we don’t know for sure, if this is a global update for all FS 19 mods. But we definitely would love this upgrade, so we keep fingers crossed. Especially when LS Modcompany forum confirms that there must be changes related to nodes.
Function fillVolume in Farming Simulator 19
fillVolume sometime causes much trouble. If you wonder what it is, here you go: fillVolume is responsible for controlling how an object, for ex. trailer, gets filled.
The issue appears when you need to set it correctly which means countless testing until it actually works. But good news are that it might be updated for Farming Simulator 2019 Mod creation. There are some predictions that there will be an option to try out your fillVolume in Giants Engine. Once again – this would be an amazing update!
Removal of Coronas in Farming Simulator 19
Coronas was used in previous FS versions to make lights of the vehicle glowing. However, this feature won’t be included in FS 19 mods. In exchange, this glowing will be provided by the game engine itself. Another additional option will be added to lights – in the new version we will see self-illuminating shapes which will definitely have much positive impact on abilities to create some unseen forms.
Expansion of Lights Database in Farming Simulator 19
As it’s quite well-known, resources such as tires are shared among mod creators in FS17. Therefore a modder has a chance to use the existing tire in case there is no urge to create a new one. All you need to do is make an inquiry for the modelled set of tires in the Giants database.
No worries, this feature will stay in Farming Simulator 2019 Mod creation. Even more – there are predictions that it will be expanded – this will definitely help to keep up with the optimization standards. We are counting on this to be true!
Nevertheless, there is a negative side of this. Mod creators might lose their skills because using the templates will be simply much easier. But in reality, it’s very common to use part of the model which was already created. So, maybe it’s just a globalized version of something already existing!
Update on Hoses, Lights and Animations in Farming Simulator 19
Good news are spreading that hoses will be included in the game base. This includes hydraulic hoses and the ones which connect seed tanks and seeders which are attached automatically. It means that creating a FS 19 mod will be even less complicated.
FS players are familiar with navigating around in the darkness. This should be solved in FS19 game because there will an option of illuminated dashboards together with cabin controls. Lightning should be installed inside of the cabin too – probably directly from Giants database.
There should be much more space for interaction in FS 2019 mods talking about the inside of the cabins because these are expected to be animated and some of them even included in the base of the game. No more external scripts or XML!
How to Create Farming Simulator 19 Mod?
It’s quite common practice to begin with de-assembling one of Giants mods. It would be a good solution except the fact that none of Farming Simulator 2019 mods have been launched yet. The only hope that all modders have is that the same strategy used in FS17 release will be followed. In previous version Giants editor was launched together with a sample of the mod before the actual game release date. However, the approved technique of studying the game is to analyze the models included in the game.
Improvements in Modeling Maps on Farming Simulator 19
Probably everyone who has tried modeling a map has faced strict limitations for patch texture in order to keep up with the performace:
- It was common to separate FS maps into patches.
- Only up to 4 textures could be used for one patch.
- It is allowed to use grass, gravel, mud and mountain rock.
- However, there is no chance to add one more texture.
Luckily, these limitations is not something FS 19 mod creators will face! And finally it’s something Giants have already confirmed. So get ready for the most fascinating maps ever!
Foliage Layer on Farming Simulator 19
These layers are used in order to include crops and plants to the map. It was usual that foliageLayer was included in the I3D document. This might chance as LS Modcompany claims that these FS 2019 mods layers should be included in a separate XML file. There would be much appreciation if this turns out to be truth. It would save much of mod creators’ time and effort!
Improved Sound Effects on Farming Simulator 19
Modders will be able to enjoy a much wider selection and control of sound effects in Giants Editor. This is especially applicable for map modelers, so take a look at the improvements:
- First of all, you will have the control to decide at which moments the sound should be played
- Sort of night mode will be available – there will be a functionality to play particular sound only at night
- This is as well applicable for the changing weather conditions
- Last but not least – there will be a much wider selection of sounds to choose from.
What about Exporter of Farming Simulator 19 mods?
Those who prefer Blender have been impatient waiting for the update. The official statement by Giants is that there will be a brand new exporter. This is exciting to hear!
- The previously used Blender is well-known and preferred by many modders
- The latest version Blender 2.8 has been just released in October
Reaction of Changes in Farming Simulator 19
Even many updates are expected to ease up the creation of Farming Simulator 2019 mod, some modders are not too excited about it. There are some complaints in the community that this new version and update on existing features will mean learning how to create mods again. This might be a starting barrier because some things will need to be re-learnt. However, the changes were needed in the long run, let’s hope for the best.