GlobalCompany – BGA with Grimme BeetBeater v1.0.1.0 Mod
With the Grimme BeetBeater, sugar beets are chopped and then fed directly to the BGA. The biogas plant can also be fed with silage and slurry. You receive the income every hour. In addition, fermentation residues are produced.
– Trigger adjusted
– Reduce digaste production at input liquidmanure
– Add language france
Production / Hour: Liter
Required Inputs: Sugarbeet, silage or liquidmanure
Output: Digaste and money
Information: Mod is only usable in combination with GlobalCompany!
Required Mods:
FYI, This is not compatible with clover silage or grass silage. It tells me it only accepts WCS(whole crop silage). I believe these are from the Maize Plus mod. This is odd because there are Global Co. mods that produce clover and alfafa silage but I can’t put these into this BGA.