Haie Amovible (Prefab) V1.0 Mod
New Improved Removable Hedge – Each hedge can now contain other objects, such as bushes, barbed wire, small trees, fence posts and others. Mappers can place these hedges in their map, and farmers can remove these hedgerows and fences to join and expand their fields.
Mapmaker Info –
To place – use Giants Editor to import the removable hedge and place it in your map. Duplicate hedges or add attachments to other objects under the LOD. Add collisions to individual attachments as needed, such as barbed wire ties.
Farmer Info
1 Use a chainsaw to find the tree or post to be cut in the hedge.
2 Cut this post or tree to cut the hedge and its contents. If a pole is cut, it will disappear with the hedge. If a tree is cut, then the wood can be cut and sold.
3 If a stump is left in the ground, use a trimmer to remove it.
4 Now you can plow the fields using the ‘create fields’ option.
Full credit to Giants for the textures and objects used to create this mod.