Holzer Map v1.4 Mod
At the beginning of a new savegame, you can now choose freely at which of the wooden courts you want to start your career. Many thanks to kevink98 for translating my “crazy” idea into a script. Without him there wouldn’t be this great new function in the LS!
Depending on the choice, the farmland belonging to the farm is already owned by the player and in career mode 1 (“New Farmer”) is also a selected starting fleet. The start-up capital is “only” € 200,000.
In career mode 2 (“Farm Manager”) you don’t have a starting fleet at the beginning, but you do have a higher starting capital of € 1,000,000.
The exception in modes 1 and 2 is the Buchberghof. Since only free space is available here and you therefore have to build a new farm, the starting capital is always € 2,000,000.
In career mode 3 (“Starting from scratch”) you cannot select a farm because you have neither land nor starting fleet.
Preparation for the MaizePlus Forage Extension
The map is now fully prepared to play with MaizePlus, the CCM extension and forage extension from MaizePlus.
This includes:
New crops: clover, alfalfa, field grass, carrots, onions
Adaptation of the feeding types of all animals to the new fruit types
Straw consumption and manure production possible in sheep and chickens.
A big thank you to the-Alien-Paul for installing the fruit update and preparing for the ForageExtension!
As long as the Maize Plus Forage Extension is released, the map can also be played without the extension, because all new fruits are installed in the map and not in the extension.
Preparation for the manure system
All manure pits now have a connection option for the Manure system from Wopster.
Extension of the landscaping tool
With the landscaping tool, bushes and forestGrass-Foliages ingame can now be drawn.
Snow emissions in winter
If you play with Seasons, in winter when there is snowfall, missions for clearing snow can also be selected in the menu’s mission window. These then have to be cleared of snow at certain locations on the map. The area to be cleared is marked with red sprayed piles.
The clearing can be done either with a dozer blade or a front loader, teleloader or wheel loader. If you remove the snow with a shovel, an area is marked by green sprayed poles where you can dump the snow.
However, only the area needs to be cleared to complete the mission. Where the snow is then (pushed aside or tipped in the green area) is completely irrelevant!
Detailed 1: 1 replica of the village of Holz in the Tegernsee valley.
Welcome to the Holzer Map!
This is a replica as detailed as possible including a height model from GoogleEarth from the village of Holz in the beautiful Tegernsee valley in the district of Miesbach in Upper Bavaria.
Construction of the map started in December 2016 with a first release for the LS17. In the meantime the LS19 has appeared and after the conversion work is finished I can now present the Holzer Map for the LS19.
The village of Holz is bordered on the east by the shores of Lake Tegernsee and in the west by the foothills of the Holzer Alm. The wooden areas in between are divided into a total of 7 farms in the village. In addition, extensive forestry can be practiced in the numerous forest areas.
Each farm can be managed independently. In the agricultural trade there is also the possibility to buy necessary goods such as seeds, fertilizer, lime, etc.
The map includes the following features:
Combination of classic LS style with built-in courtyards and a new mode using placeable objects and terraforming.
Increase the maximum number of animal enclosures from 10 to 32.
3. Change of feeding options for the cows:
The map is now fully prepared for Maize Plus including CCM extension and forage extension. A special thank you goes to The-Alien-Paul for kindly doing this!
With the Forage Extension the complete feeding system of the animals is revised and provided with new fruits, which are now also included in the map (clover, alfalfa, field grass, onions and carrots).
4. Higher number of angles for the floor textures.
5. Improved in-game lighting using xml settings from BulletBill.
6. Alternative map version with more agriculture.
7. Many other little things, all of which are listed in the map manual.