John Deere 6020 Premium (FINAL VERSION) v1.0.0.1 Mod
Everyone who have downlaoded my “final” version of JD 6020 Premium, do it now here again, beacause somehow I pasted wrong link and actually that wasnt last final version of it, shame on me and please forgive me! Thank You!
=> UPDATE <=
New wheel configs (new JD rims)
Option with or without IC CONTROL
TLS is now new option (its not design config anymore)
Cabine light config
New electric reverser
New axle for non tls version
Steering dashboard is now turning on with lights
Fixed trailer attacher joint (with some trailers it didnt worked very well hah)
Bonnet lights are now white
One more sticker option
More decals on frame under bonnet
Added stringers for back hydraulic
Right round optional worklight is now working
And all other things are now fixed.