John Deere 8R Series 2011 v1.0 – FS22
I will not say much. Here is my New Year’s gift… Happy New Year and I wish you all the best in the new year to you and your closest ones!
True working ILS system (you can lift or lower the front part of the tractor on the left mouse button)
Rotatable seat with the right mouse button
Motor config.
(With PowerShift, AutoPower and AutoPower with Right Hand Reverser)
(Fully animated transmissions)
Tire Pressure System
Wheel brand config.
Trelleborg, Mitas, Michelin, Continental, BKT, Vredestein
(Standard-Wide-Wide2)(+)(With wheel weights)(+)(Twin back wheels)/(Twin wheels)/(Twin (Back) Wheels+weights)
Front attacher config.
(None-Bracket-300kg-500kg-700kg-900kg-1000kg-Front hydraulic)
Cabine WorkLights config.
(No-Additional1-Additional 2-Both)
Mirrors config.
GPS config.
(No-SF 3000-SF 6000)
Beacons config.
Fenders config.
(Back-Front+Back-Front+Wide Back)
Design config.
(Nothing-Steering Knob-Side Wiper-Both)
Warning Signs config.