Kandelin in Mecklenburg Vorpommern v1.1 Mod
v1.1.0.0 (22.03.2019):
Error in Bunker Silo [Fixed]
various bugs [remedied]
Performance [Fixed]
Weather system revised
Yields [Fixed]
floating objects [fixed]
too high price at the BGA [remedied]
Horse farm expanded
Error in the horses [Resolved]
New animal species [Added]
Error in EconomyManager [Fixed]
Error in Bunker Silo [Fixed]
Error in the silo [fixed]
Terrain error [Fixed]
FPS burglaries on grass [Resolved]
new field missions [Added]
Error in Field Missions [Fixed]
Field crops [Added]
Kandeliner Map + PDF Description of LS-17 Project Mecklenburg 32 fields + 10 meadows (8ha – 150ha) Fieldmissions and Transportmissions 8 yards from small to large with built animals and much more … After about 2 years of construction here now for you the Kandelin- map. There is a lot of work, time, nerves and passion in this project. The map was tested in singleplayer as well as in multiplayer, on different Dediservern, over several weeks, and is log error free .. !!
If any errors occur, we will of course eliminate them.
We recommend for the transport of diesel
the LSFM Universal Tank Pack
I would like to thank all those whose objects or scripts, textures I have installed in the map as well as those who stood aside with their help and tests at any time! Furthermore, a special thanks to Katsuo, Niggels, fqC Art, Steffen and the entire Vertex team that literally saved my ass.
We wish you lots of fun with the map of your LS-17 project Mecklenburg team.