Peasantville 2 16X Production Multifruit v2.3 Mod
Must have the files from V2.2, this is only an update, download V2.2 and overwrite all files with V2.3
V2.3 Multifruit ***MAJOR UPDATE***
Majority of this update is XML changes, MAJOR UPDATE fixes multi fruit error only seen after many hours of gameplay
-New map preview and icon by Cimba,
-Multi fruit error fieldmanager.lua (564) fixed thanks to LS Mapping Team special thank you to [LSMT] Opa Andre of the LS Mapping Team, make sure to check out their amazing mods and maps.
-All farm buildings can now be sold including the farm houses
-Store name errors for owned farm building fixed
-New fruit sell points changed to be more balanced, added compost and other sale points for digestate etc.
-Updated Global Company Icons
***New map additions***
-New underground section in the middle of the map
Cargill Space Center, 3 additional sell points,
-Gas station
If you did not download V2.2 you must download V2.2 and overwrite with V2.3 to have all the required mods.
Peasantville 2 16x V2.3 (updated map & global company icons, addtion of a multi fruit harvester and crude oil tanker)
Will u add traffic in next update?
same question, can add traffic?
Hey ive got a problem with hired workers on plow just continueing forward at the end of a field and the cost for the worker seems to considerablly speed up and it breaks the game so is that a bug that has a fix to it?