Placeable Straw Barn v1.2.0.0 Mod
Nice and clean barn that works as a selling point for straw, grass, hay & silage. The Building has automatic lighting.
Selling prices for each product will fluctuate and show up on the PDA.
Price: 50.000€
Size: 18 x 23 Meters
-This selling spot works with courseplay.
– Initial Realease.
– Added L10N functions and name so it’s more understandable for all people, this was prevoisly just in english.
– Updated the mod with more languages.
– Created new Decal textures & added shaders to the building
– Added node for Interactive Zone Markers (Warningstripes can now be turned on and off)
Went to bring my hay to sell it and didn’t receive any money for it .. looks good otherwise.