Seasons GEO: Austria v1.0.0.0 Mod
The climate of Austria has boiling summers but only moderate cold winters.
The weather data are from Gleisdorf, Styria.
The 12 periods of the Seasons are to be interpreted as months. The calendar starts from left to right with March.
I recommend playing with at least 9 days per season, otherwise it will rain to much.
“Seasons GEO: Austria” is a GEO mod for Seasons that simulates farming in the region of Austria.
The latest version of the Seasons mod is required.
its way too cold for austria.
I am mid summer, on hinterkaifek map. soil still at 8 °C. Also the temperature drops to almost 0 at night and doesnt rise over 20 in mid summer! Still cannot plant corn far behind recomended planting frame already. I should already prepare for harvest, but its still to cold to plant.