Tool Position Saver v1.0.1 – FS22
Tool Position Saver – Save up to 4 Positions!
– Works now with Forkelifts
– Fixed mod compatibility Issue with FS22_cultivatorFieldCreator
– Fixed mod compatibility Issue with FS22_aPalletAutoLoader
– Fixed Issue with Bigbag Handler
– Added keybind to show/hide the keybinds
This mod allows you to save up to 4 positions, if at least one vehicle or implement has active mouse controls.
For example a wheel loader with a shovel, a conveyor belt of a beet harvester or a forklift and so on.
With set position X, you can save the current position to the corresponding slot.
With play position, the corresponding slot will be played.
With switch mode you change the input mode to setting, playing positions or to deleting positions.
Set/Play/Delete position 1:
Left Control + 1
Set/Play/Delete position 2:
Left Control + 2
Set/Play/Delete position 3:
Left Control + 3
Set/Play/Delete position 4:
Left Control + 4
Changes mode between save/play and delte for the postitions:
Left Control + 5
Toggle show keybinds:
Left Control + 6