Trucks and AR frames Pack v1.0.0.0 Mod
Trucks: Cat CT680, Ford LTL9000, Mack Pinnacle
Trucks config options:
– hooklift
– semi: short, long or longer
– dumpbed, with or without salt spreader
– wheels: 3 different rims, 5 brands (Including care wheels, chains and crawlers)
– tag axle: none, single, single rear, dual and dual rear, liftable with right mouse button.
– Fifth wheel adjustable with right mouse button.
Trucks design options (minor deviations depending on truck):
– 7 fenders
– 4 exhausts
– 4 racks
– 7 bumpers, including plow mount
– 6 colorpickers for different parts
– trailer attacher
– tinted windows
Great mod, would be nice to add a milk tank or a universal tank to the AR Frame